Electronic attendance policy
The Durable Solutions Center supervisors with the relevant government agencies in electronic training are making their utmost efforts to facilitate and streamline the program. Training for trainees.< /span>
This site has been prepared in the manner permitted by the regulations in force in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and without any guarantees from Any type.< /span>
Simultaneous electronic attendance policy:< /span>
Electronic attendance is considered one of the foundations of the trainee's success through e-learning and distance learning. Synchronous electronic attendance refers to the virtual presence of the trainee connected to the Internet in the virtual classroom through a computer or mobile device, and confirming whether the trainee is present in real time and thus the center undertakes.
Electronic attendance policies :
- We undertake to manage the technical supervision on the site, the process of following up, supervising and monitoring the entry of trainees on the website.. span>
- We undertake to automatically monitor and record the electronic attendance and absence of trainees in lectures via virtual classroom systems .
- We pledge to inform the trainees of the following :
> Percentages of electronic attendance on the virtual platform.
> That the trainee does not adhere to the minimum percentage of the “electronic attendance” system (no less than More than 80%) will result in him not attending the entire training program and being deprived of the certificate. The trainee who has not completed the requirements for obtaining the certificate or the hours is not entitled to do so.
> That the minimum number of simultaneous attendance hours (not less than 80%).